Friday, March 9, 2012

bemoo yoga moms


Get a FREE lesson when you buy 3 privates!

Being a mom is exhausting and draining.  While we love our kids, there are times that our patience is tested.  It happens to the best of us.  If we did not care, it would not be so.  Freedom, escape and pure relaxation are invaluable commodities, which you have the power to call in anytime you desire with yoga. 
Get inspired and inspire - grab a few friends after you drop your kids off in the AM and take the coffee clutch to the yoga studio (or your own homes).  The supermarket, dry cleaners, laundry, straightening up and cleaning can wait!  Develop healthy attitudes and habits with your besties!  Group lessons are a great way to inspire and be inspired.  Allow your breath to pave the pathway for a healthy and productive relationship with your family and friends.  Open your heart and stretch your body to a rejuvenation that will guide you through the rest of your day, week, month, year and ultimately, life.  Group lessons with your “besties” are a fun alternative to larger classes open to the community.  You will have the benefit of private attention and the motivation and energy of those around you to lead you to the oasis in your day.  Allow life to serve you in the best way possible, and leave the rest behind without a second thought.

Find out more at or call 703.283.1883.

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