Friday, March 9, 2012

bemoo broyo - Calling ALL Dudes!




Get a FREE lesson when you buy 3 privates!

Birds do it, bees do it, even educated flees do it, let’s do it, let’s practice yoga! 
Change is the only constant in life.  Allow that change to work for you and be present for the resulting benefits.  BroYo is bemoo yoga’s way of letting men know that yoga can serve the entire male population as well as women.  Regardless of your interests, athleticism, and spiritualism, yoga has the power to change your life too.  Take a risk and come to yoga by yourself for a private lesson and see what it is all about or grab some buds and do a group lesson with the boys who share your inquiry.  Yoga enhances every function and use of your body and mind.  A holistic approach to self-study and strength building, yoga is intense yet relaxing.  The benefits and ROI are immeasurable and invaluable.  Make a change and give it a try – you never know!

Find out more at or call 703.283.1883

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