Wednesday, October 5, 2011


So, who does yoga serve? At the right time, yoga serves anyone.  It is important to go into your practice with an intention.  What that intention may be is irrelevant to the rest of the world, however, your journey towards it will make all of the difference in the world.  If you are totally new to yoga, this may sound like a bunch of hullabaloo but I promise that one day it will make sense if you are committed to cultivating a yoga practice.  I like to think of it as “the one thing” that Jack Palance refers to throughout the movie City Slickers.  If you are not a movie buff, don’t attach too much to this explanation and when you come to my class, I will explain in greater detail if you ask me to do so.  In one respect, on a more personally grounded level, yoga is about feeling great and using that feeling to propel you through your day, week, month, year, etc. with the knowledge that you have the power to influence your health – mental and physical.  Just like an education, yoga is what you make of it.  There is no wrong in yoga – just different.  Allow yourself to listen to your body and what it is telling you.  In doing so, your intentions will just arrive at your mat and help guide you on your yogic excursion.  

There is something for everyone when it comes to following a yoga practice.  KISS – “keep it simple stupid.”  This was the mantra that I followed when I was in sales.  Strangely enough, it applies in yoga too.  Take it slowly, know your intent when coming to the mat, and focus on what’s inside of you – it is as simple as that .  Whether it be strength, flexibility, peace of mind, toning, memory enhancement, time for self-care, learning to be present or breathe correctly, or a myriad of endless intentions, make it your own and make it count.  Learn the postures correctly and be mindful of each pose and how your body is reacting to it.  Slow down, take your time and be compassionate with yourself.  It is in this way that yoga will serve you.  I look forward to guiding you in YOUR practice and helping you to make it personal on the mat and when you bring it to the rest of the world.

The bemoo yoga Plan of Action (POA):  Work it, feel it, taste it, live it.  Unity.  Awareness. Serenity.  And always remember that the best way to achieve unity, awareness and serenity is to be present, after all, life is a gift.  

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