Monday, December 5, 2011

Take Winter Head On and Discover Your True Self

Taking Winter Head-On With Yoga Stretch and Conditioning! 9:45am-11:00am

Are you ready to defy the season of hibernation?  Don’t let winter sap your energy leaving you outside in the cold. 

Instead, imagine this: warmth radiating from within so that wherever you go and whatever you do, you shine.  Create the tapas (the fire in your belly) your body thrives on to guide you through your practice on and off the mat.  

This “hunting season,” hunt for yourself.  Find peace and joy in self-discovery and start your new year out with a fresh perspective, greater balance and the strength to face the coldest of cold days.  

Venture out and join Regan Franklin, RYT 200 on Wednesday mornings at Body In Balance Center for a conditioning yoga class that is gentle in practice, yet fierce in results.  Take control of the season, the buzz of daily life, yourself, and own it! 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Breath and its Glory

Take a deep breath!  You hear people say it all of the time when someone around them is anxious, stressed or tired and needs to keep trudging along.  With good reason, it is an expression that stands the test of time.  Why is the breath so important?  Well, that seems obvious, doesn't it?  Breath keeps us alive.  So are you alive or are you alive?  Breath, when used in the proper manner is a whole lot more than the automatic function that we all know it to be.  

Pranayama, meaning life force or energy, are yogic, meditative breathing techniques.  There are ways to control your breath so that it serves you in the best way for you at that moment.  You can actually train your breath!  Pretty amazing, wouldn't you say? Many of the techniques involve slowing down and deepening the breath, thereby activating the parasympathetic nervous system and reducing stress in the body.  A simple yet profound compliment or alternative to pills and talk therapy.  So, what exactly happens?

Well, due to our sedentary lifestyles, and chronic stress (I like to call it CSD - Chronic Stress Disorder) we have become a human race of chest breathers...not so good for us.  Breathing into the chest will keep you alive but not alive.  To live everyday with a feeling of ease, invigoration and brightness, the light from within needs to be turned on, and it is when that light is radiating that you can come alive.  Breathing into the chest  results in a more shallow breath, thereby depriving your body of the refreshments that it needs to keep on partying.  Basically, the shallow breathing results in less oxygen transfer to the blood and in turn less nutrients are delivered to the tissues that need them.

The alternative to chest breathing is abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing, wherein you breathe deep into your belly expanding the diaphragm and allowing more air to fill the lungs.  The diaphragm is located between your chest and your abdomen and when it expands a negative pressure is created in the lungs, which forces air into the lungs and blood into the chest to rid us of our "bad blood."  The result is greater stamina, energy boosts, and a lighter, healthier feeling overall.  The icing on the cake - breath is the ultimate relaxer!  Light on!

There are many other pranayama techniques aside from abdominal breathing, and I encourage you to explore breath and its glory.  Some of the techniques are a bit tricky and take some getting used to and should not be explored without an experienced practitioner of the technique.  This is just a brief thought that I want to share with you because proper breathing can change everything and ensure a healthier, mentally and physically, and more productive life - it has worked for me!  Enjoy and breathe with unity, serenity and awareness.

Below is a blurb from the American Medical Student Association, and they have a ton more info on breathing too!

Abdominal Breathing Technique


Breathing exercises such as this one should be done twice a day or whenever you find your mind dwelling on upsetting thoughts or when you are experiencing pain.
  • Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. When you take a deep breath in, the hand on the abdomen should rise higher than the one on the chest. This insures that the diaphragm is pulling air into the bases of the lungs.
  • After exhaling through the mouth, take a slow deep breath in through your nose imagining that you are sucking in all the air in the room and hold it for a count of 7 (or as long as you are able, not exceeding 7)
  • Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. As all the air is released with relaxation, gently contract your abdominal muscles to completely evacuate the remaining air from the lungs. It is important to remember that we deepen respirations not by inhaling more air but through completely exhaling it.
  • Repeat the cycle four more times for a total of 5 deep breaths and try to breathe at a rate of one breath every 10 seconds (or 6 breaths per minute). At this rate our heart rate variability increases which has a positive effect on cardiac health.

Once you feel comfortable with the above technique, you may want to incorporate words that can enhance the exercise. Examples would be to say to yourself the word, relaxation (with inhalation) and stress or anger (with exhalation). The idea being to bring in the feeling/emotion you want with inhalation and release those you don't want with exhalation.

In general, exhalation should be twice as long as inhalation. The use of the hands on the chest and abdomen are only needed to help you train your breathing. Once you feel comfortable with your ability to breathe into the abdomen, they are no longer needed.
Abdominal breathing is just one of many breathing exercises. But it is the most important one to learn before exploring other techniques. The more it is practiced, the more natural it will become improving the body's internal rhythm.

FREE YOGA with bemoo yoga

Come join me for a  FREE YOGA class on November 7th at 7pm at the Body In Balance Center.  The class will be open to yoga students of all levels.  Get a little taste for the flavor of bemoo yoga.  I hope to see you there!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Still A PC User - With MUCH Respect and Gratitude

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.”
-- Steve Jobs

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Wednesday Mornings 9:45 am
starting October 19th

Start your Fall off grounded and balanced.  While the soft winds of Fall refresh your body from without and lift your spirits from within, refresh and lift your spirits from the inside out with a morning yoga practice.  Open to all levels of experience with practicing yoga, this class will ground you from the beginning of your week as well as invigorate you for the remainder of the week.  The class is a blend of Hatha Yoga designed to take the needs of the people in the class into consideration through an impromptu guided practice.

Located in Body In Balance Center  
1423 Powhatan Street, Suite 7   
 Alexandria, VA 22314
 (right off Slaters Lane)

 $15 drop-in • $90 6 class pass


   Thursday Evenings 6 pm (Six Week Series)  

Starting October 20th
Why Fundaments part deux?  There are many reasons for taking a fundamentals II class.  Perhaps you have already taken a fundamentals class but you do not feel ready to move onto more of a flowy class or class with more advanced positions.  Maybe it’s been a while since you have taken your fundamentals class and you would like a refresher.  It is also possible that you want to learn proper alignment and breathing after practicing off of DVD yoga at home.  Some may just want a slower class wherein they can refine their poses or take them to the next level or variation.  Regardless of the reason, Pre-Happy Hour Fundamentals promises to be a mind, body and spirit opener.  You will be guided through poses and breath work to maximize your experience with yoga.

1423 Powhatan Street, Suite 7   
Alexandria, VA 22314

 (right off Slaters Lane)

$15 drop-in • $90 6 class pass


So, who does yoga serve? At the right time, yoga serves anyone.  It is important to go into your practice with an intention.  What that intention may be is irrelevant to the rest of the world, however, your journey towards it will make all of the difference in the world.  If you are totally new to yoga, this may sound like a bunch of hullabaloo but I promise that one day it will make sense if you are committed to cultivating a yoga practice.  I like to think of it as “the one thing” that Jack Palance refers to throughout the movie City Slickers.  If you are not a movie buff, don’t attach too much to this explanation and when you come to my class, I will explain in greater detail if you ask me to do so.  In one respect, on a more personally grounded level, yoga is about feeling great and using that feeling to propel you through your day, week, month, year, etc. with the knowledge that you have the power to influence your health – mental and physical.  Just like an education, yoga is what you make of it.  There is no wrong in yoga – just different.  Allow yourself to listen to your body and what it is telling you.  In doing so, your intentions will just arrive at your mat and help guide you on your yogic excursion.  

There is something for everyone when it comes to following a yoga practice.  KISS – “keep it simple stupid.”  This was the mantra that I followed when I was in sales.  Strangely enough, it applies in yoga too.  Take it slowly, know your intent when coming to the mat, and focus on what’s inside of you – it is as simple as that .  Whether it be strength, flexibility, peace of mind, toning, memory enhancement, time for self-care, learning to be present or breathe correctly, or a myriad of endless intentions, make it your own and make it count.  Learn the postures correctly and be mindful of each pose and how your body is reacting to it.  Slow down, take your time and be compassionate with yourself.  It is in this way that yoga will serve you.  I look forward to guiding you in YOUR practice and helping you to make it personal on the mat and when you bring it to the rest of the world.

The bemoo yoga Plan of Action (POA):  Work it, feel it, taste it, live it.  Unity.  Awareness. Serenity.  And always remember that the best way to achieve unity, awareness and serenity is to be present, after all, life is a gift.