Monday, December 5, 2011

Take Winter Head On and Discover Your True Self

Taking Winter Head-On With Yoga Stretch and Conditioning! 9:45am-11:00am

Are you ready to defy the season of hibernation?  Don’t let winter sap your energy leaving you outside in the cold. 

Instead, imagine this: warmth radiating from within so that wherever you go and whatever you do, you shine.  Create the tapas (the fire in your belly) your body thrives on to guide you through your practice on and off the mat.  

This “hunting season,” hunt for yourself.  Find peace and joy in self-discovery and start your new year out with a fresh perspective, greater balance and the strength to face the coldest of cold days.  

Venture out and join Regan Franklin, RYT 200 on Wednesday mornings at Body In Balance Center for a conditioning yoga class that is gentle in practice, yet fierce in results.  Take control of the season, the buzz of daily life, yourself, and own it!